
Top PageSurvivor TestimoniesName "A~E"

Survivor Testimonies

26 result(s) for Name "A~E"

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Number of Results

No Name Sex Distance from the Hypocenter Age at the Time Occupation at the Time Subtitles ID Code Release Date
21 AMANO Mineko Female 900m 13 VS00510 1996/09/30
22 ASAHI Katsuko Female 2300m 30 Housewife VS00466 1995/08/01
23 DOI Hiroshi Male 1500m 14 VS00380 1993/08/01
24 DOI Sadako Female 800m 21 VS00353 1993/08/01
25 ARISAKI Shoji Male 2000m 15 VS00209 1990/08/01
26 DOI Tamiko Female 700m 21 VS00104 1988/08/01


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