


"K~O" で 62 件検索されました。



No 書名 著者 出版者 コード
41 Life & Peace Review Life and Peace Institute Z1310.5L040
42 Muse : Japanese Network of Museums for Peace Newsletter Grassroots House Grassroots House Z1310.5M001
43 Mayors for Peace Newsletter Mayors for Peace Secretariat Z1310.5M002
44 MacArthur : a newsletter from The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Z1310.5M003
45 Nuclear Free Scotland Scottish Compaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) Z1310.5N041
46 No more Hiroshimas : bulletin of Japan Council against A & H Bombs Gensuikyo, Japan Council against A & H Bombs ; 原水協(原水爆禁止日本協議会) Z1310.5N043
47 News from Peace House Wilmington College, Peace Resource Center Z1310.5N045
48 Nuclear Monitor World Information Service on Energy (WISE) and the Nuclear Information & Resource Service (NIRS) Z1310.5N046
49 OED Précis World Bank. Operations Evaluation Department Z1310.5O046
50 Official Text Press Office, United States Information Service, American Embassy ; 米国大使館広報・文化交流局報道部 Z1310.5O047
51 One World World Association of World Federalists Z1310.5O048
52 Our Planet YMCA International Institute for Peace ; YMCA国際平和研究所 Z1310.5O049
53 Museum : international (French ed.) UNESCO Z1320.5M001
54 Museum : internacional (Spanish ed.) UNESCO Z1320.5M004
55 Museum : international (English ed.) UNESCO UNESCO, Blackwell Publishers Z1320.5M005
56 Museum : international (Arbic ed.) UNESCO Z1320.5M007
57 NGO Reporter NGO/DPI Executive Committee, United Nations Z1320.5N001
58 Lessons & Practices World Bank. Operations Evaluation Department Z1330.5L002
59 Newsletter of Americans for the Universality of UNESCO Americans for the Universality of UNESCO Z1370.5N001
60 Network Update United Nations University Z1370.5N006

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